发布日期:2025-01-22 13:21 点击次数:98
25美赛征途再起,2025MCM/ICM竞赛时间为 January 23-27, 2025(美国东部时间),换算成北京时间为2025年1月24日-28日举行,今日小组向大家分享的是2024年美国大学生数学建模竞赛D、E、F题中英版。摩拳擦掌...01D题题目:大湖水问题美国和加拿大的五大湖是世界上最大的淡水湖群。这些湖泊及其连接的水道构成了一个庞大的排水盆地,包含了这两个国家许多大型城市区域,气候多样,局部天气条件各异。湖水被用于许多目的(渔业、娱乐、发电、饮用水、航运、动植物栖息地、建筑、灌溉等)。因此,众多利益相关者对流入和流出湖泊的水的管理抱有极大的兴趣。特别是,如果从湖泊排放或蒸发的水太少,则可能发生洪水,沿岸的家庭和企业会受到影响;如果排放的水太多,则大型船只无法通过水道运送物资,支持当地经济。主要问题是调节水位,使所有利益相关者都能受益。每个湖泊的水位由流入和流出湖泊的水量决定。这些水位是温度、风、潮汐、降水、蒸发、湖底地形(湖底的形状)、河流流量和径流、水库政策、季节循环和长期气候变化之间复杂相互作用的结果。在大湖水系统的水流中,有两个主要的控制机制 - 苏锡圣玛丽的补偿工程(三座水电站、五个航道闸和一个大坝位于急流的源头)和康沃尔的摩西-桑德斯大坝,如附录中所示。虽然两座控制大坝、许多渠道和运河以及排水盆地水库可能由人类控制,但降雨、蒸发、侵蚀、冰堵和其他水流现象的速率超出了人类的操纵能力。地方管辖区的政策可能会产生与预期不同的效果,季节性和环境变化在水盆地中的变化也是如此。这些变化反过来影响该地区的生态系统,这对湖泊周围发现的动植物的健康以及生活在水盆地中的居民产生影响。尽管五大湖似乎有规律的年度模式,但水位正常变化两到三英尺可以显著影响某些利益相关者。这个动态网络流问题是“棘手的” - 由于相互依赖性、复杂的需求和固有的不确定性,这个问题极其难以解决。对于湖泊的问题,我们有不断变化的动态和利益相关者的冲突利益。有关更多信息,请查看问题D附录。要求国际联合委员会(IJC)请求贵公司,国际网络控制模型师 - ICM,协助管理和模型控制机制(两座大坝 - 补偿工程和摩西-桑德斯大坝,如附录中所示),这些机制直接影响大湖流域水位。你的ICM主管已经让你的团队负责开发模型和实施模型的管理计划。你的主管指出有几个考虑因素可能有助于实现这一目标,从建立大湖和连接河流从苏必利尔湖到大西洋的网络模型开始。你的主管提到的一些其他可选考虑因素或问题包括:确定五大湖在一年中任何时间的最佳水位,考虑到各个利益相关者的愿望(每个利益相关者的成本和收益可能不同)。建立算法,根据湖泊的流入和流出数据维持五大湖的最佳水位。了解你的控制算法对两座控制大坝的流出量的敏感性。给定2017年的数据,你的新控制是否会导致对各个利益相关者来说满意或比实际记录的水位更好的结果?你的算法对环境条件变化(例如,降水、冬季雪盖、冰堵)的敏感性如何?将你的广泛分析仅聚焦于安大略湖的利益相关者和影响因素,因为最近对这个湖的水位管理更为关注。IJC还对你使用的历史数据以及你建立参数的方法感兴趣,他们好奇你的管理和控制策略与以往模型的比较结果。提供一份给IJC领导的一页备忘录,沟通你模型的关键特点,以说服他们选择你的模型。你的PDF解决方案不得超过总共25页,应包括:一份一页的摘要,清楚描述你解决问题的方法和从你的分析中得出的最重要结论。目录。你的完整解决方案。一页备忘录。参考文献列表。AI使用报告(如果使用)注意:对于完整的MCM提交没有具体要求的最小页数。你可以使用最多25页来展示你的解决方案工作和任何你想包含的额外信息(例如:绘图、图表、计算、表格)。接受部分解决方案。我们允许谨慎使用AI,如ChatGPT,尽管不必须通过AI创建解决方案。如果你选择使用生成式AI,你必须遵循COMAP的AI使用政策。这将导致你必须在PDF解决方案文件的末尾添加一个额外的AI使用报告,且不计入你的解决方案的总页数25页限制内。提供的文件:Problem D Addendum - 额外的背景信息。Data Examples - 这些可能是数据来源。其中一些用于填充Problem_D_Great_Lakes.xlsx 数据集。这些示例可以在问题D附录的第4页找到。注意:这些示例不是成功制定解决方案所必需的。Problem_D_Great_Lakes.xlsx - 湖泊的流入、流出和水位数据。参考资料(除了包括的背景数据文件):[1] Explanation of the IJC’s Efforts to Manage the Great Lakes Basin: National Research Council; The Royal Society of Canada. (2006). Review of Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Studies. Washington D.C.: National Research Council of the National Academies. Retrieved from https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/11481/review-of-the-lake-ontario-st-lawrence-river-studies[2] Description of the Great Lakes Navigation Systems: Great Lakes Seaway Navigation System. (2023). Retrieved from American Great Lakes Ports Association: https://www.greatlakesports.org/industry-overview/the-great-lakes-seaway-navigation-system/#:~:text=Lake Erie drains into Lake,in elevation approximately 600 feetGreat Lakes Water ProblemBackgroundThe Great Lakes of the United States and Canada are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world. The five lakes and connecting waterways constitute a massive drainage basin that contains many large urban areas in these two countries, with varied climate and localized weather conditions.The lakes’ water is used for many purposes (fishing, recreation, power generation, drinking, shipping, animal and fish habitat, construction, irrigation, etc.). Consequently, a vast variety of stakeholders have an interest in the management of the water that flows into and out of the lakes. In particular, if too little water is drained or evaporates from the lakes, then flooding may occur and homes and businesses along the shore suffer; if too much water is drained, then large ships cannot travel through the waterways to bring supplies and support the local economy. The main problem is regulating the water levels such that all stakeholders can benefit.The water level in each lake is determined by how much water enters and leaves the lake. These levels are the result of complex interactions among temperature, wind, tides, precipitation, evaporation, bathymetry (the shape of the lake bottom), river flows and runoff, reservoir policies, seasonal cycles, and long-term climate changes. There are two primary control mechanisms within the flow of water in the Great Lakes system – Compensating Works of the Soo Locks at Sault Ste. Marie (three hydropower plants, five navigation locks, and a gated dam at the head of the rapids) and the Moses-Saunders Dam at Cornwall as indicated in the Addendum.While the two control dams, many channels and canals, and the drainage basin reservoirs may be controlled by humans, the rates of rain, evaporation, erosion, ice jams, and other water-flow phenomena are beyond human manipulation. The policies of local jurisdictions may have different effects than expected, as can seasonal and environmental changes in the water basin. These changes in turn affect the ecosystem of the area, which impacts the health of the flora and fauna found in and around the lakes and the residents that live in the water basin. Even though the Great Lakes seem to have a regular annual pattern, a variance from normal of two to three feet of water level can dramatically affect some of the stakeholders.This dynamic network flow problem is “wicked” – exceptionally challenging to solve because of interdependencies, complicated requirements, and inherent uncertainties. For the lake’s problems, we have ever-changing dynamics and the conflicting interests of stakeholders.See Problem D Addendum for Additional Information.RequirementThe International Joint Commission (IJC) requests support from your company, International network Control Modelers – ICM, to assist with management and models for the control mechanisms (the two dams – Compensating Works and Moses-Saunders Dam as indicated in the Addendum) that directly influence water levels in the Great Lakes flow network. Your ICM supervisor has given your team the lead in developing the model and a management plan to implement the model. Your supervisor indicates there are several considerations that may help to achieve this goal starting with the building of a network model for the Great Lakes and connecting river flows from Lake Superior to the Atlantic Ocean. Some other optional considerations or issues your supervisor mentioned were:Determination of the optimal water levels of the five Great Lakes at any time of the year, taking into account the various stakeholders’ desires (the costs and benefits could be different for each stakeholder).Establishment of algorithms to maintain optimal water levels in the five lakes from inflow and outflow data for the lakes.Understanding of the sensitivity of your control algorithms for the outflow of the two control dams. Given the data for 2017, would your new controls result in satisfactory or better than the actual recorded water levels for the various stakeholders for that year?How sensitive is your algorithm to changes in environmental conditions (e.g., precipitation, winter snowpack, ice jams)?Focus your extensive analysis of ONLY the stakeholders and factors influencing Lake Ontario as there is more recent concern for the management of the water level for this lake.The IJC is also interested in what historical data you use to inform your models and establish parameters, as they are curious to compare how your management and control strategies compare to previous models. Provide a one-page memo to IJC leadership communicating the key features of your model to convince them to select your model.Your PDF solution of no more than 25 total pages should include:One-page summary sheet that clearly describes your approach to the problem and your most important conclusions from your analysis in the context of the problem.Table of Contents.Your complete solution.One-page memo.References list.AI Use Report (if used)Note:There is no specific required minimum page length for a complete MCM submission. You may use up to 25 total pages for all your solution work and any additional information you want to include (for example: drawings, diagrams, calculations, tables). Partial solutions are accepted. We permit the careful use of AI such as ChatGPT, although it is not necessary to create a solution to this problem. If you choose to utilize a generative AI, you must follow the COMAP AI use policy. This will result in an additional AI use report that you must add to the end of your PDF solution file and does not count toward the 25 total page limit for your solution.Files provided:Problem D Addendum – Additional background information.Data Examples – These are possible sources for data. Some of which were used to populate the Problem_D_Great_Lakes.xlsx data set. These examples can be found on page 4 of the Problem D Addendum. Note: These examples are not required to successfully formulate a solution.Problem_D_Great_Lakes.xlsx – Data for the inflows, outflows, and water levels for the lakes.References (in addition to the included background data file):[1] Explanation of the IJC’s Efforts to Manage the Great Lakes Basin: National Research Council; The Royal Society of Canada. (2006). Review of Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Studies. Washington D.C.: National Research Council of the National Academies. Retrieved from https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/11481/review-of-the-lake-ontario-st-lawrence-river-studies[2] Description of the Great Lakes Navigation Systems: Great Lakes Seaway Navigation System. (2023). Retrieved from American Great Lakes Ports Association: https://www.greatlakesports.org/industry-overview/the-great-lakes-seaway-navigation-system/#:~:text=Lake Erie drains into Lake,in elevation approximately 600 feet02E题题目:房产保险的可持续性希腊的海上巡游迷你潜艇公司(MCMS)制造能够将人类运送到海洋最深处的潜水器。潜水器被移动到位置并从主船上解开束缚后部署。MCMS现在希望使用他们的潜水器带领游客探索爱奥尼亚海底的沉船冒险。极端天气事件正成为房产所有者和保险公司的危机。世界在近年来已经经历了“超过1万亿美元的损失,由1000多个极端天气事件造成。”[1] 保险行业在2022年自然灾害的索赔量与30年平均值相比增加了“115%。”[1] 预计情况将变得更糟,因为由洪水、飓风、气旋、干旱和野火等引起的严重天气相关事件的损失可能会增加。保险覆盖的保费正在迅速上涨,气候变化推动的预计增幅到2040年将达到30-60%。[1]房产保险不仅变得越来越贵,而且越来越难找到,因为保险公司改变了他们愿意承保政策的方式和地点。推动房产保险保费成本的天气相关事件在世界不同地区看起来不同。此外,保险保护缺口全球平均为57%,且在增加。[2] 这突出了行业的困境 - 保险公司盈利能力的新危机以及房产所有者承担能力的危机。COMAP的灾害保险模型师(ICM)对房产保险行业的可持续性感兴趣。随着气候变化增加了更严重的天气和自然灾害的可能性,ICM希望确定如何最好地定位房产保险,以便系统有韧性来覆盖未来索赔的成本,同时也确保保险公司的长期健康。如果保险公司在太多情况下不愿承保政策,他们将因客户太少而破产。相反,如果他们承保的政策风险太大,他们可能会支付太多的索赔。保险公司应在什么条件下承保政策?他们什么时候应该选择冒这个风险?房产所有者能做些什么来影响这个决定?开发一个模型,用于保险公司决定是否应在极端天气事件增多的地区承保政策。使用两个不同大陆上经历极端天气事件的地区演示你的模型。当我们展望未来,社区和房地产开发商需要问自己如何以及在哪里建造和发展。随着保险市场的变化,未来的房地产决策必须做出,以确保房产更加强韧并有意地建造,包括为日益增长的社区和人口提供适当服务的可行性。你的保险模型如何适应评估在特定地点是否、如何以及是否建造?可能有一些社区,你的保险模型建议不承保当前或未来的房产保险政策。这可能导致社区领导面临关于具有文化或社区意义的房产的艰难决策。例如,北卡罗来纳州外海岸的开普哈特拉斯灯塔被移动,以保护这座历史悠久的灯塔以及围绕它的当地旅游产业。[3] 作为一个社区领导者,你如何识别社区中应该因其文化、历史、经济或社区意义而被保留和保护的建筑?开发一个保存模型,供社区领导使用,以确定他们应采取的保护社区建筑的措施程度。选择一个历史地标 - 不是开普哈特拉斯灯塔 - 位于经历极端天气事件的地点。应用你的保险和保存模型来评估这个地标的价值。根据你从保险和保存模型的结果中获得的洞察,为社区推荐一个计划、时间表和成本提案的一页信函,以确保他们珍视的地标的未来。你的PDF解决方案不得超过总共25页,应包括:一页摘要表,清楚描述你解决问题的方法和你的分析中最重要的结论。目录。你的完整解决方案。一页社区信函。参考文献列表。AI使用报告(如果使用)注意:对于完整的MCM提交没有具体要求的最小页数。你可以使用最多25页来展示你的解决方案工作和任何你想包含的额外信息(例如:绘图、图表、计算、表格)。接受部分解决方案。我们允许谨慎使用AI,如ChatGPT,尽管不必须通过AI创建解决方案。如果你选择使用生成式AI,你必须遵循COMAP的AI使用政策。这将导致你必须在PDF解决方案文件的末尾添加一个额外的AI使用报告,且不计入你的解决方案的总页数25页限制内。参考资料[1] Boston Consulting Group. (2023, December 4). An Insurance Risk Framework for Climate Adaptation. Retrieved at: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2023/an-insurance-risk-framework-for-climate-adaptation[2] Munich RE. (2022, January 10). Hurricanes, cold waves, tornadoes: Weather disasters in USA dominate natural disaster losses in 2021"). Retrieved at: https://www.munichre.com/en/company/media-relations/media-information-and-corporate-news/media-information/2022/natural-disaster-losses-2021.html[3] Union of Concerned Scientists. (2016, July 19). Saving an Icon: Moving the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Away from the Shifting Shoreline. Retrieved at: https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/moving-cape-hatteras-lighthouse-away-shifting-shoreline术语表保险保护缺口:自然灾害引起的经济损失与这些损失被覆盖的金额之间的差异。承保:接受责任,从而保证在损失或损害的情况下支付。题目:Sustainability of Property InsuranceExtreme-weather events are becoming a crisis for property owners and insurers. The world has endured “more than $1 trillion in damages from more than 1,000 extreme-weather events in recent years.”[1] The insurance industry saw claims for natural disasters in 2022 increase by “115% compared to the 30-year average.”[1] Conditions are expected to get worse as losses from severe weather-related events are likely to increase due to floods, hurricanes, cyclones, droughts, and wildfires. Premiums for insurance coverage are rising quickly, with climate change fueling projected increases of 30-60% by 2040.[1]Property insurance is not only getting more expensive, but also harder to find, as insurance companies change how and where they are willing tounderwritepolicies. The weather-related occurrences propelling the cost of property insurance premiums look different depending on where you are in the world. Additionally, theinsurance protection gapaverages 57% worldwide and is increasing.[2] This highlights the industry’s dilemma - the emerging crisis in profitability for the insurers and in affordability for the property owners.COMAP’s Insurance of Catastrophes Modelers (ICM) are interested in the sustainability of the property insurance industry. As climate change increases the likelihood of more severe weather and natural disasters, ICM wants to determine how best to posture property insurance now such that there is resilience in the system to cover the cost of future claims while also ensuring long-term health of insurance companies. If insurance companies are unwilling to underwrite policies in too many cases, they will go out of business due to too few customers. Conversely, if they underwrite policies that are too risky, they may pay too many claims. Under what conditions should insurance companies underwrite policies? When should they choose to take the risk? Is there anything a property owner could do to influence this decision? Develop a model for insurance companies to determine if they should underwrite policies in an area that has a rising number of extreme weather events. Demonstrate your model using two areas on different continents that experience extreme weather events.As we look to the future, communities and property developers need to be asking themselves how and where to build and grow. As the insurance landscape changes, future real-estate decisions must be made to ensure properties are more resilient and built deliberately, including the viability to offer appropriate services to growing communities and populations. How can your insurance model be adapted to assess where, how, and whether to build on certain sites?There may be communities where your insurance model recommends against underwriting current or future property insurance policies. This may result in community leaders facing tough decisions about properties with cultural or community significance. For example, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was moved on the Outer Banks of North Carolina to protect this historic light house along with the local tourism industry centered around it.[3] As a community leader, how could you identify buildings in a community that should be preserved and protected due to their cultural, historical, economic, or community significance? Develop a preservation model for community leaders to use to determine the extent of measures they should take to preserve buildings in their community.Select a historic landmark – not Cape Hatteras Lighthouse – that is in a location that experiences extreme weather events. Apply your insurance and your preservation models to assess the value of this landmark. Compose a one-page letter to the community recommending a plan, timeline, and cost proposal for the future of their treasured landmark considering the insight you have gained from the results of your insurance and preservation models.Your PDF solution of no more than 25 total pages should include:One-page summary sheet that clearly describes your approach to the problem and your most important conclusions from your analysis in the context of the problem.Table of Contents.Your complete solution.One-page community letter.References list.AI Use Report (if used)Note:There is no specific required minimum page length for a complete MCM submission. You may use up to 25 total pages for all your solution work and any additional information you want to include (for example: drawings, diagrams, calculations, tables). Partial solutions are accepted. We permit the careful use of AI such as ChatGPT, although it is not necessary to create a solution to this problem. If you choose to utilize a generative AI, you must follow the COMAP AI use policy. This will result in an additional AI use report that you must add to the end of your PDF solution file and does not count toward the 25 total page limit for your solution.References[1] Boston Consulting Group. (2023, December 4). An Insurance Risk Framework for Climate Adaptation. Retrieved at: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2023/an-insurance-risk-framework-for-climate-adaptation[2] Munich RE. (2022, January 10). Hurricanes, cold waves, tornadoes: Weather disasters in USA dominate natural disaster losses in 2021"). Retrieved at:https://www.munichre.com/en/company/media-relations/media-information-and-corporate-news/media-information/2022/natural-disaster-losses-2021.html[3] Union of Concerned Scientists. (2016, July 19). Saving an Icon: Moving the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Away from the Shifting Shoreline. Retrieved at:https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/moving-cape-hatteras-lighthouse-away-shifting-shorelineGlossaryInsurance Protection Gap: the difference in protection coverage between economic losses brought about by natural disasters and the amount of those losses that are covered.Underwrite: accept liability for, thereby guaranteeing payment in the case of loss or damage.03F题减少非法野生动物贸易非法野生动物贸易对我们的环境产生负面影响,威胁全球生物多样性。据估计,每年的非法野生动物贸易涉及高达265亿美元,被认为是全球所有非法贸易中的第四大。[1] 你需要开发一个以数据为驱动的5年项目,旨在显著减少非法野生动物贸易。你的目标是说服一个客户执行你的项目。为此,你必须选择一个客户和一个适合该客户的项目。你的工作应探讨以下子问题:你的客户是谁?这个客户实际上能做什么?(换句话说,你的客户应该具有执行你提议的项目所需的权力、资源和兴趣。)解释你开发的项目为什么适合这个客户。什么研究,来自发表的文献和你自己的分析,支持你提议的项目的选择?使用数据驱动的分析,你将如何说服你的客户这是他们应该承担的项目?你的客户需要什么额外的权力和资源来执行这个项目?(记住使用假设,但也尽可能将你的工作基于现实。)如果项目执行了会发生什么?换句话说,对非法野生动物贸易的可测量影响是什么?你进行了哪些分析来确定这一点?项目达到预期目标的可能性有多大?此外,基于情境化的敏感性分析,是否存在可能不成比例地帮助或损害项目达到其目标的条件或事件?虽然你可以将你的方法限制在非法野生动物贸易上,但你也可以将非法野生动物贸易视为更大复杂系统的一部分。具体来说,你可以考虑其他领域的全球努力,例如,努力遏制其他形式的贩运或努力减少气候变化与遏制非法野生动物贸易的努力,可能是一个复杂系统的一部分。这可能为这个领域的意外行动者创造协同的机会。如果你选择在解决方案中利用复杂性框架,请通过讨论这种建模决策的利弊来证明你的选择。此外,你的团队必须提交一份关键点的1页备忘录给你的客户,突出你的5年项目提案以及为什么这个项目适合他们作为客户(例如,资源获取、他们的任务范围、与他们的使命声明相符等)。评委将特别寻找在选择客户以及选择和证明适当建模过程中的创意。他们还将寻找既(1)建立客户与拟议项目之间的强联系,又(2)在数据分析与拟议项目设计之间建立清晰直接联系的阐述。你的PDF解决方案不得超过总共25页,应包括:一份清楚描述你解决问题的方法和你从分析中得出的最重要结论的一页摘要。目录。你的完整解决方案。给你的客户的一页备忘录。参考文献列表。AI使用报告(如果使用)注意:对于完整的MCM提交没有具体要求的最小页数。你可以使用最多25页来展示你的解决方案工作和任何你想包含的额外信息(例如:绘图、图表、计算、表格)。接受部分解决方案。我们允许谨慎使用AI,如ChatGPT,尽管不必须通过AI创建解决方案。如果你选择使用生成式AI,你必须遵循COMAP的AI使用政策。这将导致你必须在PDF解决方案文件的末尾添加一个额外的AI使用报告,且不计入你的解决方案的总页数25页限制内。参考资料[1] Wildlife Conservancy Society. (2021). Why Should we Care about Wildlife Trafficking? Retrieved from https://wildlifetrade.wcs.org/Wildlife-Trade/Why-should-we-care.aspx术语表客户:将实施拟议项目的行动者。他们可能是官方行动者(政府或准政府)或非官方行动者(非政府组织)。非法野生动物贸易:走私、偷猎以及捕捉或收集濒危物种、受保护野生动物或这些物种的衍生品/产品。题目:Reducing Illegal Wildlife TradeIllegal wildlife trade negatively impacts our environment and threatens global biodiversity. It is estimated to involve up to 26.5 billion US dollars per year and is considered to be the fourth largest of all global illegal trades.[1] You are to develop a data-driven 5-year project designed to make a notable reduction in illegal wildlife trade. Your goal is to convince a client to carry out your project. To do this, you must select both a client and an appropriate project for that client.Your work should explore the following sub-questions:Who is your client? What can that client realistically do? (In other words, your client should have the powers, resources, and interest needed to enact the project you propose.)Explain why the project you developed is suitable for this client. What research, from published literature and from your own analyses, supports the selection of your proposed project? Using a data-driven analysis, how will you convince your client that this is a project they should undertake?What additional powers and resources will your client need to carry out the project? (Remember to use assumptions, but also ground your work in reality as much as you are able.)If the project is carried out what will happen? In other words, what will the measurable impact on illegal wildlife trade be? What analysis did you do to determine this?How likely is the project to reach the expected goal? Also, based on a contextualized sensitivity analysis, are there conditions or events that may disproportionately aid or harm the project's ability to reach its goal?While you could limit your approach to illegal wildlife trade, you may also consider illegal wildlife trade as part of a larger complex system. Specifically, you could consider how other global efforts in other domains, e.g., efforts to curtail other forms of trafficking or efforts to reduce climate change coupled with efforts to curtail illegal wildlife trade, may be part of a complex system. This may create synergistic opportunities for unexpected actors in this domain.If you choose to leverage a complexity framework in your solution, be sure to justify your choice by discussing the benefits and drawbacks of this modeling decision.Additionally, your team must submit a 1-page memo with key points for your client, highlighting your 5-year project proposal and why the project is right for them as a client (e.g., access to resources, part of their mandate, aligns with their mission statement, etc.).The judges will specifically be looking for creativity in the selection of the client and in the selection and justification of appropriate modeling processes used throughout the analysis. They will also be looking for exposition that both (1) establishes strong connections between the client and the proposed project and (2) draws clear and direct ties between the data analysis and the design of the proposed project.Your PDF solution of no more than 25 total pages should include:One-page summary sheet that clearly describes your approach to the problem and your most important conclusions from your analysis in the context of the problem.Table of Contents.Your complete solution.One-page memo to your client.References list.AI Use Report (if used)Note:There is no specific required minimum page length for a complete MCM submission. You may use up to 25 total pages for all your solution work and any additional information you want to include (for example: drawings, diagrams, calculations, tables). Partial solutions are accepted. We permit the careful use of AI such as ChatGPT, although it is not necessary to create a solution to this problem. If you choose to utilize a generative AI, you must follow the COMAP AI use policy. This will result in an additional AI use report that you must add to the end of your PDF solution file and does not count toward the 25 total page limit for your solution.References[1] Wildlife Conservancy Society. (2021). Why Should we Care about Wildlife Trafficking? Retrieved from https://wildlifetrade.wcs.org/Wildlife-Trade/Why-should-we-care.aspxGlossaryClient: The actor who will be implementing the proposed project. They may be official actors (governmental or quasi-governmental) or unofficial actors (Non-Governmental Organizations).Illegal Wildlife Trade: smuggling, poaching, and capture or collection of endangered species, protected wildlife, or the derivatives/products of these species.只要你肯回头望 会发现我一直都在给你科研路上不想失联的关怀BONUS TIME数学建模资料、视频讲解、历年赛题后台回复 【校苑】领取推荐阅读(点击下方图片即可跳转)